Garden Design Elements to Connect Your Indoor and Outdoor Spaces

Having a well-designed connection between your house and garden can elevate your home, improve the appeal of the whole property and give a sense of place. The following elements are some to consider and design into your scheme.

Connection to Nature

The amazing privilege of having an outside space is the opportunity to have your own private, personal space, to enjoy and connect to nature. If you have been working inside or felt stressed from a hectic modern life you need the garden to entice you outside. Research shows that just 3-5 minutes looking at natural, green space can improve your blood pressure, reduce anxiety and help relaxation. Good design will pull you outside to explore your garden.

A relaxing spot in the garden wrapped in planting

Views from Inside the House

The amazing privilege of having an outside space is the opportunity to have your own private, personal space, to enjoy and connect to nature. If you have been working inside or felt stressed from a hectic modern life you need the garden to entice you outside. Research shows that just 3-5 minutes looking at natural, green space can improve your blood pressure, reduce anxiety and help relaxation. Good design will pull you outside to explore your garden.

Views of planting from the house

Aligning Interior and Exterior Materials

Your interior flooring and exterior hard landscaping want to work together, whether that be a similar style, colour pallet or could be the same. The direction of your flooring inside need to lead your eye to the garden. Herringbone, or linear lines heading towards the garden will provide an easy sightline to outside. Horizontal lines across the width of the house will draw you to the walls of the house and make it a less easy transition.

If you have interior accent colours, shapes or materials, continuing the use of these outside creates connection through repetition.

Creating a Destination

Your outdoor space should entice you to enjoy your whole garden, not just the part next to the house. Creating flexible spaces, through the garden, for seating, play, yoga, coffee, G&T will you give places to relax and enjoy your garden with sun/ shade and alternative view points.

Features in the background draw you into the garden

Planting Design

There is an art in successful planting design, not only in the right plant in the right place but combinations of planting that give interest all year round. Planting borders need a depth to provide tiers of planting, creating privacy, softening boundaries and creating a natural hug of planting.

Hard landscaping looks its best when set off with soft planting with scent, texture and colour. Specimen shrubs and trees are fantastic in creating focal points within the garden. Repetition of planting schemes in differing areas of the garden create flow and create a garden that has look of being designed professionally.

Soft planting flanks a path taking you to the oak framed gazebo

Getting a Garden Designer

In summary there is an art in bringing together your house and garden to make them sit comfortably with each other and combining the natural elements of beautiful planting. Getting these right can have a amazing effect on the look of your outdoor space and how you connect with it. Investing in a garden design will bring your joy and add value to your overall property,