sunflowers – the plant of the moment

I love when gardening surprises you. I had not really planned to put sunflowers in my garden design but fate decided other wise. Sunflower seeds were abundant in our house this spring. With three kids they came from granny, school, beavers, the wild flower mix,… even the veg box farmer! There were times when I thought they were not going to make it through. Slugs, wind and rain have not been kind to the poor things. Now, in August, the sunflowers are abundant. What is wonderful is that they are multi headed so the amount of colour we are enjoying (and the neighbours for the ones popping of the fence is amazing. The bees are absolutely loving them, I’m using them for floral arrangements and the birds will enjoy them once they go to seed.

So lesson learnt they are definitely in next years plans. So much so I’m going to plan in perennial sunflowers (Helianthus Microcephalus Lemon Queen).

Bees enjoying sunflowers in the garden