Have you fallen out of love with your garden?

When you walk into your garden how does it make you feel? Does it give you a feeling of calm, space.. a breathe of fresh air? Or do you see all the weeds, the mess, an overwhelming list of jobs to do? I’ll be honest I sometimes flit between the two but this morning, on the way to the compost bin with an overfull kitchen waste bin, I had to remember to make a conscious effort to stop and take in the good. I felt anxious but noticing colour changes, textures, breathing in the atmosphere brought in a release of deep breathes.

This is what I’d love for you too. Sure there are weeds and jobs to do but these are an opportunity. In the Autumn its too easy to stay cosy indoors but these “to do” jobs give us a cue to get outside. When you are working you soon warm up! Having a garden is a real privilege, it doesn’t have to be perfect. Getting fresh air, a wee bit of exercise and some soil on your hands will make you feel uplifted. I’ve come to realise that the reason I love what I do is I want people to smile when they go in their garden.

I did a garden consultation with a lovely client this weekend. She had an amazing knowledge of the plants in her garden, it had just got a bit overgrown as she hadn’t had any time to get out. As a side note I find it remarkable how nature will find soil and fill it – its awesome. We had a lovely chat with some sketches and came up with a plan and now she re-energised and is ready to go!

So if you are out of love your garden here are some prompts to appreciate it

  • What is your favourite plant right now? Do you like its colour, form, texture? Can you do more to make it a focal point and draw your eye?
  • Have a cuppa in the garden. Nothing is nicer than hugging a mug outside.
  • Treat yourself to a new plant or pot. It will give you a new stimulus.
  • Take others round your garden and point out your favourite bits. Joy can be reflected in the eyes of others.
  • Let your senses absorb everything. If you are into mindfulness meditate outside.
  • Smile. This is your time and your space.
Smiles in the garden