Does Your Garden Overwhelm You?

When faced with a big garden space, that hasn’t got much interest, it can set even the keenest of gardeners running for the hills. Very often if you have moved house you inherit a garden that is mainly lawn, a patio and some token planting. There isn’t anything for your eyes to focus or rest on. So we end up concentrating on the perimeter.

Common reactions are:

  • Freeze, procrastinate, do nothing.
  • Concentrate on camouflaging something ugly like a fence or wall.
  • Create a skinny set of borders around the perimeter.
  • Tentatively start putting plants in a few place.

Do any of these resonate? It can be hard to see past what you have and visualise something different. If you have a big space and/ or lawn it can take a big leap of faith to change the shape of it and even more scary to put something in the middle. Fear not this is where a garden designer can lead you.

Instead of looking at what’s already there they will create focal points and shapes that give you an interesting journey across your garden. You definitely wont be just looking at a bare fence then!

If you are looking for some compassionate help on this journey get in touch and I can talk you through how I would design your garden.

A blank canvas before design