5 Steps to designing your garden for 2023

1. Get some inspiration

There are a lot of garden styles and ambience that you can create in the garden. “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery” so go and visit gardens, garden shows and start a Pinterest board. Gather the nuggets of plant combinations, materials and design that calls to you.

2. Bring shapes into your garden

Use shapes to break the garden up and create focal points. See my post on shapes to see more The 3 Shape Strategies to use in Garden Designs with the Wow Factor

Mediterranean Garden Terrace

3. Get to know your soil

Time to get your hands dirty! If you are going to plant you need to understand what’s under your feet. Here is a great video to help you to identify it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mru1ElmG7pg

4. Track your light

You need to pick the right plants for the right light. You will also want to design seating areas for different lighting types. For example you might want to catch the evening light but have some shade in the middle of the day. See this video by the Garden Ninja to help you https://youtu.be/bDn1o0Dztcw

5. Pick the right plant for the right place

Plant selection is based on all the above factors. You need to pick the right plants for your style, size, the soil type and sunlight. Putting a sun loving plant in shade will make for a sad (maybe dying) plant. There are a lot of factors to take into account!

How to bring all 5 together

The skill and expertise of getting all the factors of a garden design right is why people choose to get expert help. Get in touch if you would like to discuss a garden design for you Contact