Feeling Snug and Secure in your Garden

Contemporary Garden Kent

When I am looking at designing seating spaces, they have to pack quite a punch in terms of meeting requirements. They need to be positioned to get the light or shade at the right time of day, they are a focal point to lead you into the garden and they also need offer a sense of seclusion. Even in a garden that is not overlooked there is need that feels primeval to have a cosy corner. To fully relax in these garden spaces we need to feel secure and surrounded.

There are different ways of achieving this with screening around patios or deck, This could be trellis, a pergola, planting, walls… a way of incorporating a nook into the garden.

As well as the surrounding you need to have a view out. This probably stems from being able to see predators advancing! In your private relaxing space you want a resting but beautiful view. Imagine how lovely it could be to sit and look at some trees in blossom, smell some fragrant flowers, listen to the sound of gentle water…. To me this is utter bliss.

This is why one of my key questions for clients is how do you want to feel in the garden. Yes the garden needs to be aesthetically appealing but it also needs to speak to you and answer your needs for the space. Spending time in these spaces can be short us with busy lives so those ten minutes to grab a cuppa outside are so important.

If you haven’t got your seating area setting right and need some help please get in touch on the contact form and we can arrange a consultation.