Is the instant garden preventing garden owners to connect with nature?

In garden design, there is a trend, to provide an garden that is instantly ready, planted and looks amazing straight away. This is generally an expensive way to get a garden and I fear that its not great for the garden owner in the long term. For those fortunate enough, to have an outdoor space, one of the advantages is the mental health benefits from getting your hands dirty and connection to nature. After a stressful day, half an hour of weeding can work wonders. Yet most of my clients ask for a low maintenance garden.

Ownership of a space is a subject close to my heart. When I was in the business of making work processes more efficient 5S was an important base to start. 5S comes from the Japanese automobile industry and sets a framework of getting workers to care about their working environment. If you clean a piece of equipment you are using, you are likely to notice any problems with it, look after it, care… I think the same can be applied to gardens. The plants I know the best are the ones I’ve nurtured from seed, or someone has gifted me or I have researched a lot into. As I have a memory connection to them I’m more likely to tend to them and help them along.

When I’m working on a design with a client I like to include them in the plant choices. Even the ones that don’t think they want to do any gardening can’t help themselves. Once you have an outdoor space, that you have connection with, you can’t fail to become part of the bio sphere. The enjoyment of noticing the development of plants and their relationship with their surroundings is addictive. Evolution of a garden, rather than instant gratification, brings that connection.

I offer guidance, coaching and reassurance to your garden design journey. Please get in touch if you would like to know more.