The 3 Shape Strategies to use in Garden Designs with the Wow Factor

When I look at a new project for garden design I’m always thinking of shapes first. Funnily enough these are not normally determined by the perimeter shapes. I’m creating shapes within the garden that give flow, make the space feel wider/ longer/ more cosy… So here are my top 3!

Fabulous Curves, Circles and Glorious Intersections

If you look at my portfolio it wont surprise you to find out that I love a circle. Curves and circle gardens are a beautiful way to add an artistic touch to your outdoor space. They can be used to create a visually appealing and calming atmosphere, while also adding structure and definition to the area. From winding pathways to circular flower beds, curves and circles can be used in various ways to create a stunning garden. By layering up circles of lawn, patios, decks and then using paths in between you create a journey, for your eyes and your feet, around the garden,

Clean Lines and Eye Catching Rectangles

Lines draw your focus with no disctraction. Level changes add another layer of interest in a linear garden. With careful planning and creative design, rectangular gardens can provide a beautiful and functional space. They are also ideal for growing vegetables, herbs, and flowers while providing a great area for entertaining. With the right combination of plants and furniture, rectangular gardens can be transformed into a stunning outdoor oasis that is perfect for relaxing or entertaining guests.

Delicious Diagnonals

Diagonals are such a powerful shape to zone a garden. You can frame views, make private areas and create amazing focal points by setting up shapes at 45 degrees to the house. There is something very aesthetically pleasing about seeing paths and lawns at an angle, drawing you into the garden.

The skill in garden design is knowing which shape to use, where and in what proportion. Get in touch and I can create the right design for your space.