Walled Country Garden Transformation


This Kent village garden was mainly lawn with shrubs in the borders that surrounded it. Being south facing, the patio at the back of the house was a sun trap but also sometimes too hot. The client wanted a more cottage style garden and to reinvigorate the feel of the garden. As this is a corner plot the garden wraps around the house but was somewhat wasted as this area wasn’t used. The garden had a feeling of being exposed and the family were using an area to the side of the house for entertaining, where there wasn’t any view of the garden.

The soil was lacking in certain minerals and a lack of worms led to the conclusion that the soil hadn’t had any TLC for a while. Prior to the work, the client and I, mulched all the existing borders with manure to give the soil microbiome a head start.

Towards the far corner a previous gardener had put some Ferns and Hostas in a wooded area with an established Birch. Some of the shrubs had a got a little too large and some plants were in areas that were suited elsewhere.

Spending time with the client we went through the shapes, flow and requirements of a garden design.

The Design Concepts


Curved self binding gravel paths lead you on a journey through the garden through new planting border filled with plants like Echinacea, Nepeta, Sedum, Stachys, Phlox….External Mirrors are used to break up the wall and give a new sense of depth to the garden.

Statement trees and shrubs are repeated for design rhythm, Amelanchier, Osmanthus Burkwoodii, Pittosporum Golf Ball these will create an evergreen structure and interest when the perennials and grasses have died back

Sawn sandstone pavers give a warm feel to the patio under the Oak Framed Gazebo. The patio is large enough to be under cover or not. The surrounded planting begins the transition of sun loving planting to the shade tolerant planting of the woodland area. I can imagine long summer evenings and crisp winter days being enjoyed here!

A new curved planting bed, in front of the existing patio, brings interest forward. The kitchen sink is at the nearest window. Now there is something lovely to look at whilst washing up! The three mirrors line up with the windows and patio doors to give great views from inside. We have added new climbers to the wall, added shrubs, grasses and perennials. A lot of plants we were able to split and move.

I have absolutely loved creating this garden with Helen and am so pleased its giving her and her family a wonderful outdoor space to enjoy.

If you would like some inspiration for your garden please don’t hesitate to get in touch catriona@catrionastiles.co.uk